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WILD INSIGHTS: Nourishing Creativity in Everyday Life With Douglas Beasley & Jenna Erickson
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MARCH 30, 2022
7 pm, CST (5 pm, PST, 8 pm, EST)
Join us March 30, 2022 at 7 pm for a 60 minute zoom event with photographer Douglas Beasley & Jenna Erickson for a creative conversation focused on nourishing creativity in everyday life.
Douglas is internationally recognized for his work that explores the spiritual and emotional aspects of people and place, with a focus on how the sacred is recognized and expressed in everyday life. He leads workshops at art and cultural centers all over the world and will be teaching at Wild Rice Retreat, June 26-July 1, 2022.
The session will also provide an introduction to Wild Rice Retreat. You can explore and learn more about upcoming Guided Retreats here.
The Zoom session is free and open to all. To register, please contact Cat Nowicki at cnowicki@wildriceretreat.com and request a Zoom link invite.